10000 | invalid creditcard brand. |
10001 | creditcard number with invalid length. |
10002 | invalid date format. |
10003 | invalid security field. |
10004 | cvv is mandatory. |
10006 | security field with invalid length. |
53004 | items invalid quantity. |
53005 | currency is required. |
53006 | currency invalid value: {0} |
53007 | reference invalid length: {0} |
53008 | notificationURL invalid length: {0} |
53009 | notificationURL invalid value: {0} |
53010 | sender email is required. |
53011 | sender email invalid length: {0} |
53012 | sender email invalid value: {0} |
53013 | sender name is required. |
53014 | sender name invalid length: {0} |
53015 | sender name invalid value: {0} |
53017 | sender cpf invalid value: {0} |
53018 | sender area code is required. |
53019 | sender area code invalid value: {0} |
53020 | sender phone is required. |
53021 | sender phone invalid value: {0} |
53022 | shipping address postal code is required. |
53023 | shipping address postal code invalid value: {0} |
53024 | shipping address street is required. |
53025 | shipping address street invalid length: {0} |
53026 | shipping address number is required. |
53027 | shipping address number invalid length: {0} |
53028 | shipping address complement invalid length: {0} |
53029 | shipping address district is required. |
53030 | shipping address district invalid length: {0} |
53031 | shipping address city is required. |
53032 | shipping address city invalid length: {0} |
53033 | shipping address state is required. |
53034 | shipping address state invalid value: {0} |
53035 | shipping address country is required. |
53036 | shipping address country invalid length: {0} |
53037 | credit card token is required. |
53038 | installment quantity is required. |
53039 | installment quantity invalid value: {0} |
53040 | installment value is required. |
53041 | installment value invalid value: {0} |
53042 | credit card holder name is required. |
53043 | credit card holder name invalid length: {0} |
53044 | credit card holder name invalid value: {0} |
53045 | credit card holder cpf is required. |
53046 | credit card holder cpf invalid value: {0} |
53047 | credit card holder birthdate is required. |
53048 | credit card holder birthdate invalid value: {0} |
53049 | credit card holder area code is required. |
53050 | credit card holder area code invalid value: {0} |
53051 | credit card holder phone is required. |
53052 | credit card holder phone invalid value: {0} |
53053 | billing address postal code is required. |
53054 | billing address postal code invalid value: {0} |
53055 | billing address street is required. |
53056 | billing address street invalid length: {0} |
53057 | billing address number is required. |
53058 | billing address number invalid length: {0} |
53059 | billing address complement invalid length: {0} |
53060 | billing address district is required. |
53061 | billing address district invalid length: {0} |
53062 | billing address city is required. |
53063 | billing address city invalid length: {0} |
53064 | billing address state is required. |
53065 | billing address state invalid value: {0} |
53066 | billing address country is required. |
53067 | billing address country invalid length: {0} |
53068 | receiver email invalid length: {0} |
53069 | receiver email invalid value: {0} |
53070 | item id is required. |
53071 | item id invalid length: {0} |
53072 | item description is required. |
53073 | item description invalid length: {0} |
53074 | item quantity is required. |
53075 | item quantity out of range: {0} |
53076 | item quantity invalid value: {0} |
53077 | item amount is required. |
53078 | item amount invalid pattern: {0}. Must fit the patern: \d+.\d{2} |
53079 | item amount out of range: {0} |
53081 | sender is related to receiver. |
53084 | invalid receiver: {0}, verify receiver's account status and if it is a seller's account. |
53085 | payment method unavailable. |
53086 | cart total amount out of range: {0} |
53087 | invalid credit card data. |
53091 | sender hash invalid. |
53092 | credit card brand is not accepted. |
53095 | shipping type invalid pattern: {0} |
53096 | shipping cost invalid pattern: {0} |
53097 | shipping cost out of range: {0} |
53098 | cart total value is negative: {0} |
53099 | extra amount invalid pattern: {0}. Must fit the patern: -?\d+.\d{2} |
53101 | payment mode invalid value, valid values are default and gateway. |
53102 | payment method invalid value, valid values are creditCard, boleto e eft. |
53104 | shipping cost was provided, shipping address must be complete. |
53105 | sender information was provided, email must be provided too. |
53106 | credit card holder is incomplete. |
53109 | shipping address information was provided, sender email must be provided too. |
53110 | eft bank is required |
53111 | eft bank is not accepted. |
53115 | sender born date invalid value: {0} |
53117 | sender cnpj invalid value: {0} |
53122 | sender email invalid domain: {0}. You must use an email @sandbox.pagseguro.com.br |
53140 | installment quantity out of range: {0}. The value must be greater than zero. |
53141 | sender is blocked. |
53142 | credit card token invalid. |