These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v4.1.


Tabela de erros

12001appId is required.
12002appKey is required.
12003permissions is required.
12004redirectURL is required.
12005appId invalid length: {0}.
12006appKey invalid length: {0}.
12007reference invalid length: {0}.
12008permissions invalid length: {0}.
12009redirectURL must have the same domain as application URL.
12010permissions invalid: {0}.
12011inactive application: {0}.
12012redirectURL invalid length: {0}.
12013redirectURL invalid value: {0}.
50110Date must be like yyyy-MM-dd.
50128The telephone does not respect the 8 or 9 digit pattern.
50129The telephone area code must have 2 digits.
50130The postal code must have 8 digits.
50132The CPF must have 11 digits.
50133The CNPJ must have 14 digits.
50134Seller must be over 18 years old.
50135Partner must be over 18 years old.
50136Invalid e-mail.
50137Invalid user type.
50140Email too big. Maximum = 60 characters.
50141Name too big. Maximum = 50 characters.
50142Address too big. Maximum = 80 characters.
50143Address Number too big. Maximum = 20 characters.
50144Address Complement too big. Maximum = 40 characters.
50145Address District too big. Maximum = 60 characters.
50146Company Name too big. Maximum = 50 characters.
50147Display Name too big. Maximum = 50 characters.
50148Website URL too big. Maximum = 256 characters.