10003 | Email invalid value. |
10005 | The accounts of the vendor and buyer can not be related to each other. |
10009 | Method of payment currently unavailable. |
10020 | Invalid payment method. |
10021 | Error fetching vendor data from the system. |
10023 | Payment Method unavailable. |
10024 | Unregistered buyer is not allowed. |
10025 | senderName cannot be blank. |
10026 | senderEmail cannot be blank. |
10049 | senderName mandatory. |
10050 | senderEmail mandatory. |
11002 | receiverEmail invalid length: {0} |
11006 | redirectURL invalid length: {0} |
11007 | redirectURL invalid value: {0} |
11008 | reference invalid length: {0} |
11013 | senderAreaCode invalid value: {0} |
11014 | senderPhone invalid value: {0} |
11027 | Item quantity out of range: {0} |
11028 | Item amount is required. (e.g. "12.00") |
11040 | maxAge invalid pattern: {0}. Must be an integer. |
11041 | maxAge out of range: {0} |
11042 | maxUses invalid pattern: {0}. Must be an integer. |
11043 | maxUses out of range: {0} |
11054 | abandonURL/reviewURL invalid length: {0} |
11055 | abandonURL/reviewURL invalid value: {0} |
11071 | preApprovalInitialDate invalid value. |
11072 | preApprovalFinalDate invalid value. |
11084 | seller has no credit card payment option. |
11101 | preApproval data is required. |
11163 | You must configure a transactions notifications (Notificação de Transações) URL before using this service. |
11211 | pre-approval cannot be paid twice on the same day. |
11214 | Pre approval can not be paid twice on the same day while the status is in processing or suspended. |
13005 | initialDate must be lower than allowed limit. |
13006 | initialDate must not be older than 180 days. |
13007 | initialDate must be lower than or equal finalDate. |
13008 | search interval must be lower than or equal 30 days. |
13009 | finalDate must be lower than allowed limit. |
13010 | initialDate invalid format use 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm' (eg. 2010-01-27T17:25). |
13011 | finalDate invalid format use 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm' (eg. 2010-01-27T17:25). |
| 13013 | page invalid value. |
13014 | maxPageResults invalid value (must be between 1 and 1000). |
13017 | initialDate and finalDate are required on searching by interval. |
13018 | interval must be between 1 and 30. |
13019 | notification interval is required. |
13020 | page is greater than the total number of pages returned. |
13023 | Invalid minimum reference length (1-255) |
13024 | Invalid maximum reference length (1-255) |
17008 | pre-approval not found. |
17022 | invalid pre-approval status to execute the requested operation. Pre-approval status is {0}. |
17023 | seller has no credit card payment option. |
17024 | pre-approval is not allowed for this seller {0} |
17032 | invalid receiver for checkout: {0} verify receiver's account status and if it is a seller's account. |
17033 | preApproval.paymentMethod isn't {0} must be the same from pre-approval. |
17035 | Due days format is invalid: {0}. |
17036 | Due days value is invalid: {0}. Any value from 1 to 120 is allowed. |
17037 | Due days must be smaller than expiration days. |
17038 | Expiration days format is invalid: {0}. |
17039 | Expiration value is invalid: {0}. Any value from 1 to 120 is allowed. |
17061 | Plan not found. |
17063 | Hash is mandatory. |
17065 | Documents required. |
17066 | Invalid document quantity. |
17067 | Payment method type is mandatory. |
17068 | Payment method type is invalid. |
17069 | Phone is mandatory. |
17070 | Address is mandatory. |
17071 | Sender is mandatory. |
17072 | Payment method is mandatory. |
17073 | Credit card is mandatory. |
17074 | Credit card holder is mandatory. |
17075 | Credit card token is invalid. |
17078 | Expiration date reached. |
17079 | Use limit exceeded. |
17080 | Pre-approval is suspended. |
17081 | pre-approval payment order not found. |
17082 | invalid pre-approval payment order status to execute the requested operation. Pre-approval payment order status is {0}. |
17083 | Pre-approval is already {0}. |
17093 | Sender hash or IP is required. |
17094 | There can be no new subscriptions to an inactive plan. |
19001 | postalCode invalid Value: {0} |
19002 | addressStreet invalid length: {0} |
19003 | addressNumber invalid length: {0} |
19004 | addressComplement invalid length: {0} |
19005 | addressDistrict invalid length: {0} |
19006 | addressCity invalid length: {0} |
19007 | addressState invalid value: {0} must fit the pattern: \w{2} (e. g. "SP") |
19008 | addressCountry invalid length: {0} |
19014 | senderPhone invalid value: {0} |
19015 | addressCountry invalid pattern: {0} |
30400 | invalid creditcard data |
30401 | invalid creditCard durable token |
30402 | invalid creditCard transient token |
30405 | invalid creditcard brand/Invalid date format |
30406 | Invalid encrypted-cc parameter |
30407 | Could not decrypt creditcard |
50103 | postal code can not be empty |
50105 | address number can not be empty |
50106 | address district can not be empty |
50107 | address country can not be empty |
50108 | address city can not be empty |
50131 | The IP address does not follow a valid pattern |
50134 | address street can not be empty |
53037 | credit card token is required. |
53042 | credit card holder name is required. |
53047 | credit card holder birthdate is required. |
53048 | credit card holder birthdate invalid value: {0} |
53151 | Discount value cannot be blank. |
53152 | Discount value out of range. For DISCOUNT_PERCENT type the value must be greater than or equal to 0.00 and less than or equal to 100.00. |
53153 | not found next payment for this preApproval. |
53154 | Status cannot be blank. |
53155 | Discount type is mandatory. |
53156 | Discount type invalid value. Valid values are: DISCOUNT_AMOUNT and DISCOUNT_PERCENT. |
53157 | Discount value out of range. For DISCOUNT_AMOUNT type the value must be greater than or equal to 0.00 and less than or equal to the maximum amount of the corresponding payment. |
53158 | Discount value is mandatory. |
57038 | address state is required. |
61007 | document type is required. |
61008 | document type is invalid: {0} |
61009 | document value is required. |
61010 | document value is invalid: {0} |
61011 | cpf is invalid: {0} |
61012 | cnpj is invalid: {0} |